Our team
Michał Stempski
Michał Stempski graduated from law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Nicholas Copernicus in Toruń, obtaining the TOLES certificate during them. After completing the legal adviser training at the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Gdańsk, in 2014 he was entered on the list of legal advisers.
He also completed Postgraduate Studies in Public Procurement Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Mikołaja Kopernika in Toruń, defending postgraduate work on the issues of construction contracts for the implementation of public procurement based on FIDIC contract conditions.
Areas of specialization
Michał Stempski specializes mainly in civil law (in particular in the field of contract law and real estate trade), public procurement law and commercial companies law. He has extensive procedural experience in representing the Law Firm's clients in proceedings before common and administrative courts.
At the INTESA Law Firm, he provides comprehensive services to business entities, primarily in the construction sector, building materials, construction support services and water and sewage management, including ongoing legal advice, issuing opinions and drawing up commercial contracts, conducting negotiations, drawing up legal opinions, preparing corporate acts, debt collection and litigation. He also participates in conducting legal audits (due diligence) and processes related to the formation and transformation of business entities.
Michał Stempski has been associated with the INTESA Law Firm since 2011.
E-mail: michal.stempski@kancelaria-intesa.pl
Tel .: +48 502 470 000